
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Big News Coming Soon!

Hey all! Just wanted to drop a quick note to keep everyone in the loop (sort of) on what’s going on at A lot has happened since my last post in January, and we’ve been working heads down on some exciting new capabilities that we’ll be "sharing" soon. I can’t talk about it yet, but expect to be able to let you in on the details in the coming weeks. Until then, I always enjoy reading your e-mails and comments – so keep ‘em coming!


Monday, January 30, 2012

Encrypted filenames coming for SecretSync

It's Monday, and we just wanted to make a quick post to give everyone an update.

First, we want you to know that the iPhone app is done and being submitted to the Apple App Store. Look for that soon, and of course as soon as we get approval, you'll hear about it here immediately.

We also wanted to let you know that SecretSync will soon have encrypted file names. This has been a fairly prominent user request, and it's our goal to get the features out that the most people need. This is currently under active development, and should be part of our product soon. Here's a screenshot:

SecretSync encrypted filenames

Monday, January 23, 2012

SecretSync for iPhone update

Just a quick update about our iPhone app. If you remember, we mentioned at the end of last year that SecretSync for iPhone was coming early 2012.

We've just completed testing and Q&A, and SecretSync for iPhone will be submitted to the App Store shortly. The app will allow you to log in to your Dropbox account, access your encrypted files in SecretSync, then download and decrypt them on your iPhone for viewing.

Here's a screenshot:

SecretSync iPhone

And for those of you who've asked, we will be working on an iPad version next.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Get free space by referring SecretSync

Refer SecretSync get 250 MB free

Hi, the new year has been busy these first 10 days. Exciting and busy. Our iPhone app is in beta testing and nearing release, we're getting ramped up to implement some new features like file name encryption, and we're rolling out a new referral system for SecretSync.

The referral system is in beta. Here's how it works. If you have an account for SecretSync, you can use this form to generate a referral link to post on your site, blog, Facebook page, or whatever. You can optionally send the referral link directly to friends over email. Any time someone signs-up using your referral link, you get 250 MB added to your sync space, and they do as well. You can get started today*! Use the link below:

Refer a friend, get more space!

*Remember this is in beta. If you have any issues, please drop us a line.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

SecretSync 1.358 Release

SecretSync v 1.291

This post is to announce that SecretSync 1.358 is available for download. This release provides a few small bug fixes to SecretSync.

This update is a 'roll-up' update and includes some previously released changes for different platforms. These include syncing of MS Office files while open on OS X, a fix that allows the selection of a drive letter as your 'tunnel' folder on Windows, and a minor bugfix for our IPC mechanism, brought to our attention by one of our users, Paul. (Thanks, Paul!)


If you are already a user of SecretSync, there is no need to uninstall. For Windows and Mac OS X, simply download the current version, and run the install. Do not uninstall first.

If you are on Linux, follow the instructions for upgrading at this link.

Use SecretSync with over WebDAV

SecretSync with using WebDAV We've just discovered a cool little web-based storage company called, based out of Sweden, that not only provide a web interface to manage your files, but also lets you map a drive using WebDAV to access your files. offers 2 GB of data storage free, which seems to be pretty standard these days.

Since provides WebDAV support, you can use SecretSync with it. It's pretty easy to setup, and we've posted the details on our forum.

View the article on our forum