
Friday, January 28, 2011

Updates and shortcuts for AccountKeeper Gadget

AccountKeeper Gadget for Gmail Hello to all of you who've found the AccountKeeper Gadget for Gmail an easy and safe way to manage your accounts online. We're glad you like it.

We've made some updates recently to improve the tool, fix a couple minor bugs, and generally make it easier to use.

Password masking

We've just added a keyboard shortcut to mask your passwords from view. Just hit the F1 key in AccountKeeper and all your passwords will be hidden. Hit it again, and you can see them as usual. This is a handy way to reduce shoulder surfing, or if you're showing AccountKeeper off to your friends or colleagues. (Something we hope you'd do!)

Other shortcuts

There are a couple other shortcuts that are handy. If you've selected a row in your passwords list and it has a URL in the Site column, all you need to do is hit the Home key to open that address in a new window in your browser.

You can hit the Delete key on any row you want to remove. This option is part of the Additional actions drop down as well, but we often find it useful to have a shortcut.

Thanks, and if you have any suggestions, comments, or issues, we'd love to hear them. Just email:

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Client-side encrypted cookie API

Happy New Year! We're looking forward to another year of security and innovation.

On that note, we'd like to announce our new JavaScript API, in beta, that allows web developers to easily secure cookie data with 256-bit encryption.

This API allows you to read and write cookies that are secured with 256-bit AES encryption. Encryption happens client-side, and gives the user truly private data in any application you build.

You can use this easily integrated API to harden your web apps against the following threats.

  • MITM attacks
  • Cookie snooping
  • Improve security on publicly accessible machines.
The service is currently free and available for mashups. We'd love to hear from developers as we shape this service.