Here's a hint — it's going to be mobile.
As in, we're coming to the iPhone soon! Here's a couple of screenshots to whet your appetite.
Here's a hint — it's going to be mobile.
As in, we're coming to the iPhone soon! Here's a couple of screenshots to whet your appetite.
Now, there's another alternative. You can be your own cloud provider, by using SecretSync with TntDrive.
TntDrive is a cool utility that maps a Windows drive letter to a bucket in Amazon S3. (Just FYI, S3 is the service Dropbox uses to actually store your data online.) Then, anything you put in the mapped drive is uploaded to S3.
To add strong client-side encryption and synchronization, add SecretSync to the mix. Point your destination (or tunnel folder) folder to the mapped drive, and you have DIY encrypted synchronization.
There are more details about this on our forum at this link:
SecretSync already allows Office documents to synchronize while editing on the Windows platform, but not on OS X. This update fixes this behavior, and allows edits to Office documents to synchronize without having to close the Office application first.
If you are already running SecretSync, simply download this version and run the install. It should update the SecretSync service without changing your settings.
We have just released SecretSync version 1.332. This version patches a minor bug in our signal checking mechanism that was occasionally causing a forced close on system shutdown or hibernation.
Additionally, we've worked to add a user requested feature, that of synchronization status. Since our product works alongside Dropbox, and they already have a tray icon that indicates synchronization, we didn't want to add yet another tray animation. Once SecretSync updates files in the Dropbox folder, their icon notifies you that the changes have occurred, so we were already covered in that area.
However, users gave us feedback and told us that they'd like to know a little more about what's happening, especially when they were synchronizing a large number of files. This release accommodates that request. We still didn't want to create an additional system tray icon, since that seemed redundant. Instead, we updated the Log View on Windows and Linux, and the SecretSync Manager on OS X to show status, and also to automatically refresh the synchronization log.
The screenshots below demonstrate the the status addition on their respective platforms.
Mac OS X:
Download SecretSync for your platform below.
SecretSync version 1.307 is now out, and available for download on all supported platforms.
This is a pretty minor revision, but enhances the application in a few small, but key ways.
First, it provides better logic for ignoring temporary and system files that don't need to sync. Files such as Office temporary files for instance. These get created by Word, OpenOffice Writer, etc, and they only exist to support the editing of the actual document. As such, these don't need to sync, and often have to be deleted immediately after synchronizing. We've added a new module to SecretSync that ignores files such as these, making synchronizing more efficient and less error prone.
Second, we've made some improvements to the installers, that make an uninstall safer for users. E.g. on Windows, when you choose to uninstall SecretSync completely, and remove the SecretSync and tunnel folders, it places them in the Recycle Bin. That way, if you made a mistake and deleted the wrong folder, you can still restore your data.
We're committed to making updates as frequently as is reasonable, since we believe that every improvement, no matter how small, should be available as soon as possible to our users.
We're happy to announce that with SecretSync version 1.291 we are now compatible with sync.
If you don't know about, they are one of the early pioneers of Cloud content management. Initially a web-based product, they have recently released a client-side sync utility that allows you to seamlessly integrate files on your computer with your online account.
We tested SecretSync with, identified a few changes we needed to make, and now are happy to announce that SecretSync works fine with sync. Because of how treats hidden folders, we've added the option to leave the tunnel folder visible. So when you install SecretSync for, simply choose the following option, then choose the My Box Files sync folder:
This option is available in the Windows as well as OS X installers. Enjoy!
We just wanted to announce that SecretSync 1.291 is available for download. This is release provides a few small fixes to SecretSync and the installers.
Briefly, this update changes the way SecretSync detects a new installation, e.g. when you install it for the first time to an additional computer in the sync chain. This change speeds up start-up time. Also, by default, the 'tunnel' folder is marked as hidden. We now provide the option to create this folder so that it is not hidden. This allows SecretSync to work with tools such as sync, which treats hidden files differently than say, Dropbox.
If you are already a user of SecretSync, there is no need to uninstall. For Windows and Mac OS X, simply download the current version, and run the install. Do not uninstall first.
If you are on Linux, follow the instructions for upgrading at this link.
Following on the heels of our 1.0 (1.261, really) release, we are happy to announce a small update that should provide an important performance enhancement. Not really a bugfix release, although it does fix a minor issue with OS X, this release contains a fairly significant optimization of our synchronization algorithm. We highly recommend upgrading if you are running any previous version of SecretSync.
The optimization comes by improving the way the algorithm detects whether a file has been renamed or simply has been added, and reduces not only CPU cycles, but also disk I/O.
In troubleshooting a problem with a customer on OS X we also identified an issue that was causing the sync cycle to remain in an aggressive state. This only affected OS X systems, and is now patched.
If you are already a user of SecretSync, there is no need to uninstall. For Windows and Mac OS X, simply download the current version, and run the install. Do not uninstall first.
If you are on Linux, follow the instructions for upgrading at this link.
We're happy to announce that SecretSync is now officially out of beta. That means we've made it to version 1.0 (technically, version 1.261), and have moved out of the beta stage. We've had thousands of users try the beta, and have gotten high quality feedback from many. So we want to take a moment to thank everyone who has shown interest in the product, and for those who helped us troubleshoot and track down bugs. We couldn't have gotten here without you.
Below are a few of the important changes that have occurred in the transition from beta to release.
Beta testing brought some problems to light in regard to failure during decryption. Primarily, in some (fairly rare) cases, a decryption error could occur that deleted the existing non-encrypted file. We've taken steps to address these issues. Now, an intermediate file is used during the copy-decrypt and copy-encrypt procedures, and if there is any failure during encryption or decryption, the target file is untouched. The integrity of your data is and always will be a primary objective in our design.
With file synchronization, you must try to find a balance between responsiveness and performance. I.e. you are trying to quickly detect and handle changes in the file system while keeping CPU cycles and disk reads to a minimum. Our approach is to monitor usage and build statistics to find a balance between these two. During the beta phase we were able to monitor, get feedback, tweak, and generally improve how we are synchronizing the SecretSync folder. This release includes the results of our work and provides the most stable, low-impact, and responsive folder monitoring of our releases to date.
During the beta stage we improved our test suite and pressured SecretSync to see if any problems emerged. A few edge cases fell out, such as directory modified time conflicts, and these are now handled appropriately by SecretSync. (The case we demonstrated would actually be pretty hard to do in practice, but we want SecretSync to be as robust as possible, even if the scenario is unlikely.) Based on feedback and issues by users throughout the beta period, we've identified and patched various small bugs, and we are now confident that SecretSync is ready for prime time. We hope you find that to be the case as well.
Now that we've reached a stable release version, we've enabled our subscription tiers. You can purchase a subscription through PayPal. More information is available on the Pricing page. Subscriptions start at the free level, which costs nothing and allows you to synchronize 2 GB of data.
If you are already a user of the beta, there is no need to uninstall. For Windows and Mac OS X, simply download the current version, and run the install. Do not uninstall first.
If you are on Linux, follow the instructions for upgrading at this link.
This application requires a Java Runtime Environment 1.6.0You don't have the appropriate Java version. It may be older, or not installed. To install a local version that SecretSync should run ok with, do the following steps:
corresponds to the following directory on XP:C:\Documents and Settings\<USERNAME>\Application Data\SecretSync\Java