
Tuesday, October 26, 2010 add-on Dashboard update

We've just completed an update to the add-on dashboard. If you're unfamiliar with our service, our add-on allows you to seamlessly encrypt and decrypt files from within Our add-on requires a separate set of credentials from to provide access to your encryption key. This is a necessary security feature, since it's important to keep your online key stored separate from your online, encrypted data.

The Dashboard allows you to manage your keys, your account with us, and gives you extra functionality, like directly encrypting and decrypting files on your computer. It also provides a Windows-based utility for encrypting files offline.

We've changed the dashboard interface to improve the user experience and give it a more cohesive look-and-feel. Here's a screenshot (click to enlarge):

On a side note, we've change our price for the add-on. The Lite version is still free and provides encryption and decryption of files from, plus Dashboard access. You will have the option to upgrade to a Professional account from within the Dashboard. This will give you the additional features of Encryption for sharing & Emailing encrypted files. The new price is $79.99 per year for a Professional subscription.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

SMX secure email service is now PointMX

I just wanted to take a moment to let everyone know that we've renamed SMX, our secure email service. It's now called PointMX.

We discovered another service with a similar name,, and although different in scope, their service also provides secure email services. We don't want to step on anyone's brand, nor do we want there to be confusion about what our service provides.

Of course along with the difficulty of a name change, there also exists an opportunity to update and revise the look and feel of the service.

PointMX can be accessed from our site at the following URL:

We've made the message area much larger, making it easier to enter more detailed messages.

PointMX is also a gadget that installs into your Gmail account. Here's a screenshot (click to enlarge):

When you click the button in the left menu pane, the above gadget loads and allows you to send messages encrypted by your browser to anyone with an email address. With the name change, we've taken the opportunity to make the gadget integrate more seamlessly with Gmail, and better match its look-and-feel.

To install this gadget, you need to log into Gmail and do the following:

1. Enable Add any gadget by URL feature. Go to Settings -> Labs and click Enable on the Add any gadget by URL option. Scroll to the bottom, and click Save changes.

2. Add our gadget. Go to Settings -> Gadgets and where it says Add a gadget by its URL paste in the below address:
